was created in 2025 to assist residential and commercial consumers with purchasing flood insurance from Private insurance companies as well as from FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In some situations the NFIP is the only choice available for flood insurance coverage, however with dozens of private insurers entering the space, most properties now have numerous alternatives from private insurers that can provide broader coverage and lower premiums. Some private programs may offer higher limits, include business income and loss of use coverage, include replacement cost coverage, ordinance and law coverage, not require elevation certificates, and offer other enhancements.
With a single entry of basic information on a property, you can obtain flood insurance quotations from NFIP and from Private Carriers. Utilizing “A” rated insurers, Insure Flood programs include primary limits of up to $5M and excess limits of $45M.
Insurance is just one form of risk management. We have created a FloodHelp section to provide property owners with a guide to various mitigation options. Consider the many flood risk mitigation options available and let GetFloodQuote assist with insurance. GetFloodQuote provides consumers with a simple insurance quoting process, with choices, and ultimately a piece of mind.
We specialize in insurance matters, and given the new floodscape, it’s never been as important to turn to a flood insurance specialist.