By completing the Get A Quote application, flood quotations from programs that best fit a risk category will be provided. Get Flood Quote works with the following programs provided by several national program administrators:
Primary Flood Program (PFP)
Private market alternative to the NFIP with distinct benefits.
✔ Risks with $2,500,000 and less in values
✔ Catastrophic Coverage Insurance Program
✔ EZ Flood® Preferred
✔ Replacement Cost Available
✔ Excess Private Primary Flood (EPPF)
✔ NFIP Excess
✔ Private Primary Flood (PPF)
✔ EZ Flood® Standard
✔ FloodWrap®
✔ Floodwatch® Excess Flood Insurance
✔ Non Par and CBRA Flood Insurance
✔ Floodwatch® Excess Flood Insurance
✔ Non Par and CBRA Flood Insurance
Excess Primary Flood Program (EPFP)
Certain underwriters at Lloyds – provides additional limit capacity to Primary Flood program.
✔ Risks with $10,000,000 and less in values
Private Primary Flood (PPF)
Private market alternative to the NFIP, with distinct benefits.
✔ Building Limits to $500,000
✔ No waiting period in respect to loan closing
✔ Contents to $500,000
✔ 7 day waiting period for coastal risk
✔ Eligible Properties
- Primary & Secondary Residential
- Commercial Properties
- Apartments, Multi-Family
- Condominiums
✔ 14 day waiting period for inland risks
Catastrophic Coverage Insurance Program
Private market alternative to the NFIP, with distinct pricing.
✔ Limits up to $5 Million available, eliminating the need for excess coverage in many cases.
✔ Broader Flood Definition, no size requirement. NFIP requires 2 acres of inundation or 2 properties to be flooded.
✔ Available for both commercial & residential structures.
✔ Provides additional coverages not available through the NFIP: Additional Living Expenses, Increased
✔ Provides Basement Contents Coverage for finished basements, which is excluded under the NFIP.
✔ Accepted by mortgagees to satisfy mandatory FEMA Private Placement Guidelines
✔ Cost of Materials, Business Interruption Building Ordinance and Law, even a Course of Construction option
Excess Private Primary Flood (EPPF)
Provides additional limit capacity to Private Primary Flood program
✔ $20,000,000 Limits available – Building Contents, Loss of Income
✔ $20,000,000 Condo Building
✔ $10,000,000 Earthquake
EZ Flood® Standard
An attractive Private flood insurance option for eligible clients. Designed for residential properties in ‘A’ flood zones, EZ Flood offers simplified processes and underwriting.
✔ Up to $750,000 building and $200,000 contents coverage
✔ No photographs required
✔ Available in all states except AK, DC, HI and KY
✔ Streamlined with only 12 underwriting questions
✔ Accepted by over 1,000 lenders*
✔ Available in ‘A’ zones only***
✔ No elevation certificate required
✔ A+ rated financial backing
✔ Optional Additional Living Expenses (ALE), food spoilage and swimming pool clean-up coverage
✔ Competitively priced
✔ No waiting period**
✔ Eligibility
- Located in non-mandatory areas (B, C and X flood zones)*
- No known flood losses in the last five years
NFIP Excess
As the National Flood Insurance Program limits coverage on residential buildings to $250,000 and most homes are worth more than that amount, consider additional coverage in the event of a catastrophic flood.
✔Coverage for Residential and Commercial properties.
✔ Available in all states except AK, DC, and KY.
✔Coverage up to $5MM (building and contents combined) for structures with replacement cost value up to $15MM.
✔ Coverage for all residential risks except condominiums
✔ Provides Basement Contents Coverage for finished basements, which is excluded under the NFIP.
✔ Eligible Risks
- Residential properties
- Commercial properties
✔ Ineligible Risks
- Buildings in COBRA zones
- Buildings in Emergency Program
- Negative elevated risks
- Non-residential contents
- Contents coverage without building coverage
- Residential Condominium Building Association Policies (RCBAP) and single condo units
- Risks with total replacement cost/actual cash value greater than $15MM
Complements the National Flood Insurance Program by adding additional coverages.
✔ Basements Property (Personal and Real) for Post-FIRM Risks
✔ Increased ICC Limits
✔ Golf Carts & Trailers
✔ Additional Living Expenses (ALE)
✔ Loss Avoidance Coverage
✔ Septic System Pumping
✔ Higher Limits for Decks
✔ Optional Excess Building Limits (up to $500,000 above NFIP limits)
✔ Eligible Risks
- All flood zones eligible
- Single family and 2-4 family residential homes
Floodwatch® Excess Flood Insurance
✔ Provides coverage above and beyond limits available from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
✔ Covers residential and commercial properties
✔ Provides coverage above and beyond limits contained in commercial policies
✔ Maximum Insured $15 million all interests per risk: building, contents & loss of income
✔ Higher Limits for Decks
✔ Coverage is not currently available for properties in Florida Keys; Padre Island, TX; Sacramento, CA; Chesterfield, MO; Devils Lake, ND; and by levees along Trinity River in Dallas, TX
✔ Coverage Available
- Building, contents & loss of income
- Contents coverage available on standalone basis
- Replacement cost or actual cash value
✔ Minimum retention limits
- Building – Residential $250,000 | Commercial $500,000
- Contents – Residential $250,000 | Commercial $500,000
- Loss of income/rent: 10% or 30 days, whichever is greater
✔ Eligible Property
- Residential dwellings (1-4 family)
- Apartments and condominiums
- Commercial properties
Providing primary flood coverage for communities that are eligible for – but not participating in – the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and the Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) areas. This includes both residential and commercial properties.
✔ Preferred Rating Program
- Risks with positive elevation
- No prior flood losses
- Insured to maximum value/limit available
✔ Limits Available
- Building – Residential $250,000 | Commercial $500,000
- Contents – Residential $100,000 | Commercial $500,000
- Minimum Premium – Residential $500 | Commercial $1000
NFIP – National Flood Insurance Program from FEMA
Congress created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 1968 to provide insurance to communities participating in the adaptation and enforcement of floodplain management ordinances with the hopes of reducing flood damage. Today the NFIP is administered by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Rates for this federal program are federally set and do not differ by companies or agents.
By applying for coverage here, you will be able to get terms from the NFIP as well as other programs and carriers if qualified.
✔ Residential Building $250,000 / Contents $100,000
✔ Non Residential / Commercial $500,000 / $500,000
✔ Condominium $250,000 times # of units